
the art of
Student artist at University of Houston Clear Lake seeking a Bachelor's of Fine Art. My preferred mediums are oil on canvas. I've been painting for about two years and have been fortunate to have a strong foundation in oil painting technique. 

​My first form of art that really captured my heart and drove my desire was photography. I was trained in traditional photography methods and still find the art of traditional photography challenging and unsurpassed for quality. Film cameras force us to be more selective of the images we capture. Prints made on photographic paper in traditional darkrooms in my opinion last longer and contain a better gradient of light, middle, and dark tones. 

My training has expanded this semester into printmaking and particularly I'm fond of linocutting. As a student artist I'm learning and growing into my own artistic vision and hope to create pieces that resonate with my audience.
All artwork is © A.M. WHITMORE 2023. For licensing please contact John H. Weigel, Attorney at Law PH: 281-898-3883